In September 2009 I returned from India after living there as an expatriate for BMW. I was longing for more time for cultural activities and always fancied the museums of London. On Dec. 5th, 2009, we flew over for a long weekend and visited 7 or 8 museums in that 4 days.
The photos are in chronological sequence, the exact places might have escaped my memory 🙂
First a stroll around the inner City with e.g., St. Paul’s Cathedral from Sir Christopher Wrenn.

In Salvatore Dali’s permanent exhibitions are about 200 originals from the grand master. Not allowed to take pictures, sorry.

The following examples are from different museums, amongst them Tate Modern. Always exciting to see ancient statues and pieces of arts and crafts which demonstrate just unbelievable craftsmanship long before our time.

From “ordinary” London walking around and home to a flat which belonged to a good friend.