Not only for their pyramids Egypt is a fascinating topic but also for the exciting history of organizing the state around the periodic flooding of the Nile. I read that the Egyptians immigrated from the area of the Sahara desert which was a most fertile land and full with lots of wildlife long long time ago. But when the climate changed and dried up and eroded the land, the people were forced to look for new resources. They found it along the River Nile.
A few more mystical stories increased my fascination about Egypt. One is the connection between the people of Israel and them from the report of Jakob and his son Joseph and his 11 brothers. Joseph being sold to slave traders and progressing in Egypt from the prison the the first adviser to the Pharao.
The other one is of Pharao Amenhotep who declared the many gods of Egypt as obsolete and proclaimed a new “singular-God” faith. This god was represented by the sun (Amun) and one of his prayers could have been from the Bible. The priest cast had big problems with that new religion (similar to the Jewish priests who rejected Christ). After Amenhotep’s death they managed to reverse the Egyptian society back to the traditional gods. Amenhotep’s son was Tut-Ench-Amun, who died in his younger years.
So far so good. Now I would like to invite to our River-Nile-Cruse from one historic site to the next.
Day 1, 07.11.2010
Temple of Queen Hatschepsut

Transfers on the River Nile

Temple Ruins of Karnak and Luxor

Day 2, 08.11.2020

Day 3, 09.11.2010
Upstream to Dam of Assuan

Day 4, 10.11.2010
Abu Simbel

Day 5, 11.11.2010
The Pyramids

Day 6, 12.11.2010